

ROUND1 Umeda
ラウンドワン 梅田店 [日本語] [中文]

Age Restrictions

※Customers unable to present valid ID maybe denied entry to the store.

Age restriction for amusement area

Under 16 No entry after 7:00pm
(allowed till 10:00pm if with a legal guardian)
16 or over and under 18 No entry after 10:00pm

Age restriction for medal game area

No children under high school allowed by themselves. (allowed till 10:00pm if with a legal guardian)

Youth healthy development ordinance(Osaka)

No children under 16years old allowed by themselves after 7:00pm. (After 10:00pm no 16years old are allowed even with a legal guardian)



  • 現在お知らせ情報はございません。

神子 政憲

梅田店支配人神子 政憲

    大阪梅田に来られた際には是非当店までお越し下さい! ボウリング、アミューズメント、カラオケ、ダーツ、そして卓球があり楽しい思い出がいっぱい作れます!スタッフ一同笑顔で皆様のご来店を心よりお待ち致しております!